Effects of Artificial Action on the Earth Ionosphere by Powerful Radio Waves

The Symposium Program
Proceeding Publications

The papers abstracts will be published in English. The abstract volume should not exceed 2 pages for the invited papers and 1 page for contributed papers. It is necessary for the authors to specify the section number for which the report is presented. The directed material should give precise representation of the contents of the report (statement of the task, basic results, conclusions) and have necessary minimum of illustrations, formulae and references. The abstracts will be published from the camera-ready originals submitted by the authors (without editing and a proof-reading). The text of the abstract should be prepared according to the guidlines in "ISS-04 Instruction" - attachment file to the First Announcement. If they are not prepared according to the instructions or if they fail to meet the publishing standards, they will not be included in the Book of Abstracts. The abstracts should be sent as attachments to E-mail messages directed to the Organizing committee of the symposium.