Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки
Институт Земного магнетизма, ионосферы и распространения радиоволн им. Н.В. Пушкова
Российской Академии наук
( основан в 1939 г. )

Начало Наверх Исследования Проекты Службы Информация Новости События Персональные Архив

Publications for 1995-2000

  1. Ким В.П., Хегай В.В., Никифорова Л.И. О возможном возмущении ночной Е-области ионосферы над крупномасштабным тектоническим разломом // Физика Земли. 1995. №7. С.1-5.
  1. Pulinets S.A., Legen'ka A.D., Karpachev A.T. and Perez J.P. Ionospheric variations before the strong earthquakes observed by topside sounder in the solar cycle maximum // Reportes Internos 96-12, Mayo 1996. Instituto de Geofisica UNAM, Mexico, 1996, 16 P.
  2. Depuev V.Kh., Zelenova T.I. Electron density profiles changes in a pre-earthquake period // Adv.Spase Res. 1996. V.18. N.6. P.115-118
  1. Kim V.P., Hegai V.V. On possible changes in the midlatitude upper ionosphere before strong earthquakes // Journal of Earthquake Prediction Research. 1997. V.6. N.2. P.275-280.
  2. Hegai V.V., Kim V.P., Nikiphorova L.I. A possible generation mechanism of acoustic-gravity waves in the ionosphere before strong earthquakes // Journal of Earthquake Prediction Research. 1997. V.6. N.4.
  3. Pulinets S.A., Legen'ka A.D., First simultaneous observations of the topside density variations and VLF emissions before the Irpinia earthquake, November, 23, 1980 in magnetically conjugated regions // Proceedings of International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics, 1997. University of Electro-Communications Publ, Chofu, Japan, p.56-59.
  4. Pulinets S.A., Alekseev V.A., Legen'ka A.D., Khegai V.V. Radon and metallic aerosols emanation before strong earthquakes and their role in atmosphere and ionosphere modification // Adv. Space Res. V.20. N11. 1997. P.2173-2176.
  5. Sizova L.Z., Zelenova T.I. Variations of the critical frequency foF2 during the equatorial counterelectrojet events // In: Magnetopause reconnection and aurora dynamics, 1997, Austria, Vienna, p.245-248.
  1. Boyarchuk K.A., Lomonosov A.M., Pulinets S.A., Hegai V.V., Variability of the earth's atmospheric electric field and ionaerosols kinetics in the troposphere // Studia geoph. et geod. 1998. V.42. N.2. p.197-210.
  2. Pulinets S.A., Kim V.P., Hegai V.V., Depuev V.Kh. Unusual longitude modification of the night-time midlatitude F2 region ionosphere in July 1980 over the array of tectonic faults in the Andes area: observations and interpretation // Geophys. Res. Lett. 1998. V.25. N.22. P.4133-4136.
  1. Kim V.P., Hegai V.V. A possible presage of strong earthquake in the night-time midlatitude F2 region ionosphere // in: Atmospheric and Ionospheric Electromagnetic Phenomena Associated with Earthquakes. Terra Scientific Publish. Comp., Tokyo, 1999. P.619-627.
  2. Pulinets S.A., Alekseev V.A., Boyarchuk K.A., Hegai V.V. and Depuev V.Kh. Radon and ionosphere monitoring as a means for strong earthquakes forecast // Il Nuovo cimento 1999. V.22. NN.3-4. P.621-626.
  1. Pulinets S. A., K.A. Boyarchuk, V.V.Hegai, V.P.Kim and A.M.Lomonosov, Quasielectrostatic Model of Atmosphere-Thermosphere-Ionosphere Coupling // Adv. Space Res., 2000, 26, N.8, pp.1209-1218.
  2. Pulinets S.A., A.D. Legen 'ka, and V.H. Depuev. Pre - seismic activity effects on the equatorial anomaly // Abstract Notebook. The Tenth International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy. Antalya Renaissance Resort, Antalya, Tyrkey, May 17- 23, 2000, pp. 4-11.