================================================================================ T.L. Gulyaeva September, 2024 ============================================================================================================== !**** Acknowledgement of using this software is required ****! !**** when the results obtained with this SPIM/IRI-PLas system are published: ****! Gulyaeva, T.L., and Bilitza, D. Towards ISO Standard Earth Ionosphere and Plasmasphere Model. In: “New Developments in the Standard Model”, edited by R.J. Larsen, pp. 1-39, NOVA, Hauppauge, New York, 2012 Gulyaeva, T.L., F. Arikan, M. Hernandez-Pajares, I. Stanislawska. GIM-TEC adaptive ionospheric weather assessment and forecast system. J. Atmosph. Solar-Terr. Phys., 102, 329-340, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.06.011, 2013. Gulyaeva, T. Modification of the solar activity indices in the International Reference Ionosphere IRI and IRI-Plas models due to recent revision of sunspot number time series. Solnechno-Zemnaóa Fizika. 2016. 2(#3), 59-68. DOI:10.12737/20872. [Available at: http://ru.iszf.irk.ru/Journal_Solar-Terrestrial_Physics._Vol._2%2C_Iss._3%2C_2016 (in English)] Gulyaeva T.L. et al., 2017. TEC proxy index of solar activity for the International Reference Ionosphere IRI and its extension to Plasmasphere IRI-PLAS model.Int. J. Sci. Eng. Applied Sci.,3,5,144-150, http://ijseas.com/index.php/issue-archive-2/volume3/issue-5/ Gulyaeva, T.L., Arikan, F., Sezen, U., Poustovalova, L.V. Eight proxy indices of solar activity for the International Reference Ionosphere and Plasmasphere model. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 172, 122-128, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2018.03.025, 2018. Sezen, U., Gulyaeva, T., Arikan, F. Online Computation of International Reference Ionosphere Extended to Plasmasphere (IRI-Plas) Model for Space Weather. Geodesy and Geodynamics, 9(5), 347-357, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geog.2018.06.004, 2018. Gulyaeva, T.L. Predicting indices of the ionosphere response to solar activity for the ascending phase of the 25th solar cycle. Adv. Space Res., 63, Is.5, 1588-1595, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2018.11.002, 2019. Shubin, V.N., and Gulyaeva T.L. Solar forcing on the ionosphere: Global model of the F2 layer peak parameters driven by re-calibrated sunspot numbers. Acta Astronautica, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.10.029, 2020. ============================================================================================================== ISO: International Organization for Standardization -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISO International Standard ISO_16457_2021 ISO-IRI-Plas -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Model of Earth's Ionosphere and Plasmasphere: International Reference Ionosphere and Extensions to Plasmasphere ================================================================================ This directory includes the FORTRAN programs (IRI-Plas-Map.zip), (ISOMAIN.ZIP), (ISOMAIN2017.zip), and (ISOMAIN2020.zip) of the latest version (October, 2021) and coefficients (APRZ.ZIP and ISOCOEF.ZIP) regularly updated for the ISO-IRI-Plas model. !!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! New package IRI-Plas-MAP.zip is included for advanced median CCIR preduction of GIM-TECm, GIM-foF2m, GIM-hmF2m maps. !! Path-and-filenames of IRI-Plas-MAP commands should be checked by the user. !! Input file tm241015.inp is enclosed in IRI-Plas-MAP.zip as example for October 2024 CCIR maps prediction. !! Example of output median files GIM-TECm (0.1 TECU), GIM-foF2m (0.1 MHz), GIM-hmF2m (km) are provided for Oct 2024 00h15min UT !! GIMs format: latitudes (lines): -87.5:2.5:87.5 deg; longitudes (cols): -180:5:180 deg E. !! Output of daily-15-min IONEX files for Oct 2024 are provoded: !! 241000fi_15m.zip (GIM-foF2m) !! 241000hi_15m.zip (GIM-hmF2m) !! 241000ti_15m.zip (GIM-TECm) !! !! The changes to IRI-Plas-2020 code: !! Main program is changed !! IGRF-13 (2020) included !! Global model GMF2 for foF2 and hmF2 driven by re-calibrated sunspot number SSN2 included !! Format for output is changed including year,month, day for UT and LT !!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! The changes to IRI-Plas-2017 code: !! 8 options of solar proxy indices are included with data files containing 12-monthly !! smoothed solar proxies from 1948 to 2019 (prediction for 2017.05-2019.12) !! Details in comments to fortran code and INPUT_FILE.frm !! !! GEC_RZ.DAT file is used containing Global Electron Content, GEC12, index !! instead of ig_rz.dat file. GEC12 index better fits R12 index than IG12 index. !! 10/10/2021: GEC_RZ.DAT file is updated for solar R12 and GEC12 indices 1958-2023, !! 17/07/2016: SUBROUTINE TCONGEC is updated in the IRIF2015c.FOR. !! !! IGRF2015.for is provided from IRI-2012 system !! !! File apf107.dat is provided from IRI-2016 system including 3h ap-index, !! daily mean Ap-index, daily Sunspot Number SSN, solar radio flux F10.7 - !! daily, 81-days mean, 365-days mean. !! !! File aprz.dat is provided as aprz.zip file separate from !! other coefficients provided in isocoef.zip file !! !! The changes from 2010 to 2016 version of the code are: !! (1) replacement of IG12 (foF2 driving parameter) by GEC12 parameter: !! gec_rz.dat file instead of ig_rz.dat file. !! (2) replacement of F10.7 driving toph05 subroutine by R12 parameter. !! (3) replacement of Hakura set of coefficients by CONVER (rga,rgo,rgma) !! subroutine to obtain corrected geomagnetic latitude. !! (4) GPS-derived TEC is used as an input parameter in assimilative mode of operation, !! fitting foF2 critical frequency to the best fit of model TEC to TECgps. !! (5) with TEC input, hmF2 is also corrected in terms of foF2 corrections with a subroutine !! subdlogh. !! (6) Plasmasphere model is updated including new coefficients A1(L,LT) and C1(LT) !! (7) Subroutine is replaced by in INDX2015 package and input of !! file is cancelled. Former file is replaced by annual data !! files in standard NGDC format. Current file is updated daily and provided at !! http://www.izmiran.ru/services/iweather/ !! (8) IRI-STORM-foF2 correction is extended followed by hmF2 correction: IRI-Plas-STORM2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ISOMAIN.ZIP Contents: ---------------------- IRIPLAS7c.FOR This file contains the main program including input of driving parameters and output of results. Formats of input-output files are commented within the program. It computes electron density-height profiles, electron temperature profiles, ion temperature profiles, neutral temperature profiles and total electron content through the ionosphere and plasmasphere for specified date and location: latitude, longitude (geodetic or geomagnetic), year, month, day, and hour (LT or UT). Adjustment of Ne(h) profile, foF2, hmF2 and the topside scale height to TEC is included if TEC is entered as input parameter. IRIS2017c.FOR This is main subroutine based on IRI main subroutine: http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/space/model/ionos/iri.html modified to include calls for SMI plasmasphere electron density extension, Te-Ti-Tn-2006-model by J. Titheridge and correction of topside IRI electron density profile based on empirical ISIS-1,2 / IK19 topside half thickness model. It requires the subroutine files listed below. IRIF2019.FOR This file contains the subroutines and functions that are required for running ISO-IRI-Plas including the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere 1986 (CIRA-86), the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF), Te-Ti-Tn profiles and TEC calculations. INDX2017.FOR Subroutines for retrival of indices IGRF-13.FOR Subroutine for IGRF geomagnetic field model INPUT_FILE.fmt Description of Input file format TEST1.INP Input/output files for output of standard set of parameters & TEST1_1.OUT not including full Ne(h) profile. TEST2.INP Input/output files for output of standard set of parameters & TEST2_1.OUT including full Ne(h), fN(h), Te(h), Ti(h), Tn(h) profiles. TEST3.INP Input/output files for output of standard set of parameters & TEST3_1.OUT not including full Ne(h), fN(h), Te(h), Ti(h), Tn(h) profiles. TEST4.INP Input/output files for output of standard set of parameters & TEST4_1.OUT when TEC is provided as input parameter. ---------------------- APRZ.ZIP Content (cancelled). It is replaced by annual kpYEAR files in KPYEAR.ZIP ---------------------- kp2022 This file is updated daily and provides the 3-hour kp and ap magnetic indices for current year, daily solar radio flux F10.7 and daily sunspot number Rz ~ SSN1.0 (ASCII) provided at http://www.izmiran.ru/services/iweather/ Sources: ftp://ftp.swpc.noaa.gov/pub/ http://www-app3.gfz-potsdam.de/kp_index/ ftp://ftp.geolab.nrcan.gc.ca/data/solar_flux/ ---------------------- ISOCOEF.ZIP Contents: ---------------------- gec_rz.dat This file contains the solar and ionospheric Global Electron Content indices (GEC12, Rz12) for the time period from Jan 1958 onward. The file is updated quarterly. Source: NGDC and IZMIRAN home pages. ig_rz.dat This file contains the solar and ionospheric indices (IG12, Rz12) for the time period from Jan 1958 onward. The file is updated quarterly. Source: IRI home page. ssn1_12.dat SSN1 smoothed sunspot number (former) time series ssn2_12.dat SSN2 smoothed sunspot number (recalibrated) time series f107_12.dat F10.7 smoothed solar radio flux time series geci_12.dat GEC smoothed solar proxy time series teci_12.dat TEC smoothed solar proxy time series igin_12.dat IG smoothed solar proxy time series mgii_12.dat MgII smoothed solar proxy time series lyma_12.dat Lyman-alpha smoothed solar proxy time series CCIR%%.ASC Coefficient files for the global representation of F2 peak parameters (foF2, M3000); %% = Month+10 (ASCII). CCIR is the model recommended by the International Committee Consultative on Radiocommunication of the International Union of Telecommunication (ITU). URSI%%.ASC Coefficient files for the global representation of F2 critical frequency (foF2); %% = Month+10 (ASCII). URSI map is the International Radio Science Union model dgrf%%.dat Coefficient file for the global geomagnetic field igrf%%.dat Coefficient file for the global geomagnetic field ==================================================================================================== DIRECTORY: /MAPS/foF2/1994...2022 foF2 maps in IONEX format produced from GIM-TEC maps with IRI-Plas code /MAPS/hmF2/1994...2022 hmF2 maps in IONEX format produced from GIM-TEC maps with IRI-Plas code /MAPS/TEC/1994...2022 JPL GIM-TEC source maps in IONEX format (2h maps interpolated for 1h map) /MAPS/W_index/1994...2022 Ionospheric W-index maps in IONEX format produced from GIM-TEC maps ===================================================================================================== References: Gulyaeva, T.L.,, I. Stanislawska, and M. Tomasik. Ionospheric weather: Cloning missed foF2 observations for derivation of variability index. Annales Geophysicae, 26, N.2, 315-321, 2008. Gulyaeva, T.L., Arikan, F., and Stanislawska, I. Inter-hemispheric Imaging of the Ionosphere with the upgraded IRI-Plas model during the space weather storms. Earth, Planets and Space, 63, No.8, 929-939, doi: 10.5047/eps.2011.04.007, 2011. Gulyaeva, T. Empirical model of ionospheric storm effects on the F2 layer peak height associated with changes of peak electron density, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A02302, doi:10.1029/2011JA017158, 2012. Gulyaeva, T.L., and Bilitza, D. Towards ISO Standard Earth Ionosphere and Plasmasphere Model. In: "New Developments in the Standard Model", NOVA Publisher, 2012, https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=35812 Gulyaeva, T. and I. S. Veselovsky (2012), Two-phase storm profile of global electron content in the ionosphere and plasmasphere of the earth, J. Geophys. Res., v.117, No.A9, A09325, doi:10.1029/2012JA018017, 2012. Gulyaeva, T.L., F. Arikan, M. Hernandez-Pajares, I. Stanislawska. GIM-TEC adaptive ionospheric weather assessment and forecast system. J. Atmosph. Solar-Terr. Phys., 102, 329-340, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2013.06.011, 2013. T.L.Gulyaeva et al., 2017. TEC proxy index of solar activity for the International Reference Ionosphere IRI and its extension to Plasmasphere IRI-PLAS model.Int. J. Sci. Eng. Applied Sci.,3,5,144-150, http://ijseas.com/index.php/issue-archive-2/volume3/issue-5/ Gulyaeva, T.L., Arikan, F., Sezen, U., Poustovalova, L.V. Eight proxy indices of solar activity for the International Reference Ionosphere and Plasmasphere model. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 172, 122-128, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jastp.2018.03.025, 2018. Gulyaeva, T.L. Predicting indices of the ionosphere response to solar activity for the ascending phase of the 25th solar cycle. Adv. Space Res., 63, Is.5, 1588-1595, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2018.11.002, 2019. Shubin, V.N., and Gulyaeva T.L. Solar forcing on the ionosphere: Global model of the F2 layer peak parameters driven by re-calibrated sunspot numbers. Acta Astronautica, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2020.10.029, 2020. ======================================================================================================