Daily Global Ionosphere Maps GIM-WTEC of the ionosphere weather W-index produced from GIM-TEC IONEX MAP: Geographic coordinates: 87.5 -87.5 2.5 LAT1/ LAT2/ DLAT -180.0 180.0 5.0 LON1/ LON2/ DLON (1) YRMNDDw.zip : JPL GIM-TEC based W-index values in i.u. (index units). 0, 1, ... , 23 Hours, UT. (2) YRMNDDw_15m.zip : UPC GIM-TEC based W-index values in i.u. (index units). 00:00, 00:15, 00:30, 00:45, 01:00, ... , 23:45 Hours-15min, UT.