Solar Large-Scale Emitting Chains: Evidences of Reality and Some Features,

by I.M. Chertok

Fig. 5.  The large-scale chains visible on the inverted SOHO/EIT images (a-c) at three wavelengths of 171, 195 and 284 Å as well as on the normal MLSO/HAO He I 10830 Å spectroheliogram (d) of December 16, 1997. In particular, the complex  non-CH-associated chain 1-2-3-4, consisting of quasi-straight-line fragments and covering a large part of the solar disk, is the most pronounced on the SOHO/EIT image at 195 Å (b) but visible also at 171 and 284 Å wavelengths (a,c), as well as on the MLSO/HAO He I 10830 Å line image (d) on the background of  many other features.

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