Pushkov Institute
of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation of RAS
Institute of Space Research, RAS
sponsored by
Commissions H and G of International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
Russian Foundation for Basic Research of RAS
10th International Seminar "Low-frequency wave processes in space plasma"
will be held on the base of boarding house Zvenigorod of RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences)
from 12 to 16 November 2007. This Seminar is a continuation of the series of seminars devoted
to studies of low-frequency wave phenomena held since 1968. Up to 1991, the Seminar was an All-Union event
and was carried out in different cities of the country: Moscow (1968), Kaliningrad (1973), Apatity (1974),
Tbilisi (1977), Murmansk (1979), Zvenigorod (1983), Yakutiya (1985), Limanchik, Rostov on to the Don (1988),
Moscow (1991). One of the pioneers of low-frequency wave studies Yakov Iosifovich Likhter
was the initiator and permanent driver of conducting these Seminars.
He also played a large part in organizing the cooperation in satellite and ground-based low-frequency studies
within the framework of Commission for the scientific collaboration of the Academies of Sciences
of the former socialist countries on the complex problem "Planetary Geophysical Studies" (KAPG).
The Organizing and Program Committees of the 10th Seminar include many progeny and former colleagues of Ya. I. Likhter,
and one of the sessions of Seminar will be devoted to his memory.
Traditionally, the main focus of previous Seminars was the discussion of wave phenomena in VLF frequency band.
The scope of the 10th Seminar is essentially enlarged to include the whole spectrum of wave events in ULF and ELF bands.
The reason for this is the common electrodynamics of low-frequency wave processes, essential similarity in mechanisms
of wave-particle interaction, and close experimental methods in use.